If you find yourself running low on any of our materials for patients, wish to download digital copies of these materials or digital links for clinic letters, you can simply and easily order or download these on our new order portal. We have set this up to make the ordering process smoother and more efficient for you.

Simply click the button below and you will be taken to a site where you can log in.

You can log in using your email address (which we have pre-registered for you) and the following password: pcr001. Once you have logged in for the first time you will be able to change your password.

If you have any issues logging in or reordering please reach out to Susannah Ramsay at sramsay@pcr.org.uk 

We have also created a short demo video on how to use the portal, which you can find below.

Please watch our short ordering demo video if you are unsure of how to use the order portal.



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