In 2022 Prostate Cancer Research and Ipsen collaborated to develop a webinar series for people affected by prostate cancer called What to Expect: A Guide to Prostate Cancer. These include videos about:


  • Active surveillance
  • Focal therapy
  • Hormone therapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radium 223
  • Clinical trials
Man receiving chemo

Active surveillance, focal therapy and hormone therapy.

In this session, Urological Surgeon Professor Rakesh Heer discusses the monitoring and treatment options available for early stage and high risk-localised prostate cancer such as:

  • Active surveillance
  • Watchful waiting
  • Focal therapy
  • Hormone therapy and radiotherapy in high-risk localised prostate cancer


Radiotherapy and surgery (radical prostatectomy)


This session is run by Urological Surgeon David Mak, Oncologist Amit Bahl, and Clinical Nurse Specialists Shievon Smith and Michelle Greenwood. They provide:

  • An overview of 'radical' treatments. This means treatments that aim to cure localised or locally advanced prostate cancer. These treatments include:
    • Radical prostatectomy
    • Radiotherapy
  • Information on topics such as:
    • What to expect during treatments
    • recovering from procedures
    • Short-term side effects
    • The long-term outlook after treatments
    • What to do if the cancer comes back. 


Metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer and its treatment part 1


Urological Surgeon Professor Phil Cornford and Clinical Nurse Specialists Shievon Smith and Michelle Greenwood focus on: 

  • What is meant by hormone sensitive prostate cancer
  • Treatments such as:
    • Hormone therapies
    • Chemotherapy alongside hormone therapy
  • Side effects of hormone therapies
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Management and support for other side effects such as:
    • Hot sweats
    • Bone density loss
    • Breast growth
    • Fatigue.


Metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer and its treatmentpart 2

The webinar run by Oncologists Ian Sayers and Joe O-Sullivan gives more detail on:

  • Castrate resistant prostate cancer
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hormone therapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Why you get certain side effects from:
    • Chemotherapy
    • Steroids 
    • Hormone therapy
    • Management of side effects
  • Clinical trials and why you may want to get involved
  • Future treatment possibilities.


About this information

  • This information was published in July 2024. We will revise it in July 2026.
  • References and bibliography available on request.
  • If you want to reproduce this content, please see our Reproducing Our Content page (this link will open in a new external tab).

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