Horace's Story

White British
Other (please specify)
Sexual Orientation
East Anglia
Relationship status
Prefer not to say


Tips and advice for any sexual side effects of treatment

It can be dealt with.

How this treatment impacted my life the most

I had no sexual partner - my late wife passed away just before I was diagnosed. Other than that because of the effect of the hormone therapy I was careful not to be seen undressed in the sports club changing room. (After about some years that effect significantly diminished)

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?

Not sure

Why did I give this answer?

It worked and at that time there were no alternatives available to me other than prostatectomy. I believe I have suffered less from side effects than acquaintances who had a prostatectomy. The radiotherapy appears from my annual PSA tests to have worked, in the words of the oncologist “we seem to have cured you”. However I am not sure if I want it to be exactly the same as I believe there are now effective ways of protecting the large intestine which I believe were not available then. Also proton beam therapy seems to be even better although I don’t believe I could afford it even now.

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