Kat's Story

White British
Sexual Orientation
Relationship status
Married/In a Civil Partnership

Do you have any tips or advice that may help others support those who are going through treatment, including with any ongoing side effects?

Rest needed after chemotherapy. It helped us working together ,planning things to look forward to ie holidays.,important to get good travel insurance. 'Good to go'gave good cover for the year and gave us hope we could have a holiday even though having prev medical issue.
Essential to talk about what is happening, getting things on order,

Please tell us how their treatment impacted your life the most.

Feeling hopeless as it's all unknown outcomes,future is now changing.
Wet due to sweating-partner,hormone therapy
Exhaustion of partner,sickness,affected my life as I then took care of him ,all tasks- chemotherapy. 1 week out of 3 mainly in bed,recovering, so essential tasks ,shopping,all meals,medication,financial,dog walking,laundry,domestic need doing by partner.
Social life stops due to risk of bugs
Sex life stopped due to his low libido
See less of family due to risk of bugs,particularly grandchildren.
Low mood affects both due to the unknown affect from treatments,waiting scan etc to inform causes stress, anxiety
Was hard as hospital transport do not always agree to partner going too,I wanted support but mostly couldnt go,so partner upset,anxious,i was anxious left at home,often would be gone while day.

Thinking about your own wellbeing, what has helped you to cope, and where have you gone to find support? What tips and advice would you give to others?

Helps to be part of treatment support,accompany partner to treatments,reviews.
Carers services helped called fortnightly to check how I was.offered shop voucher to help financially.
Massages helped me reduce stress.
Talk to Family,Chatting to sisters,sons,sharing what was going on with them

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