Terry's Story

Any other White background
Sexual Orientation
South East
Relationship status
Married/In a Civil Partnership

Active Surveillance

How this treatment impacted my life the most

It makes you realise that you are reaching a point in life where you do not really know how long you have. I am now discovering that almost a child like pleasure of life and the wonder of nature along with spending and enjoying the company of my family and friends even more than before my diagnosis. Life is too short to dwell on what if, move on and enjoy. However I am between Active Surveillance and needing treatment so looking at all treatment and waiting for appointments to discuss but this is too long to ramble on here.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

Sometimes it is better to wait than to rush in and regret. I am lucky I have this time as my Father died from Prostate Cancer because he done nothing and so I always swore I would not make the same mistake and so had myself checked early. Now waiting to discuss treatments and why this is required.

Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy

Tips and advice for any bladder or bowel side effects of treatment

Speak to your radiotherapy team as soon as you have an issue they are there to support you even after you have had the treatment. Mine were great urine problem talked to me about the problem and gave me tablets that helped. Why go through more discomfort than you need to. Just speak to them.

How this treatment impacted my life the most

As you read the leaflets you grow quite fearful on what your outcome maybe. My main fears as they were joint, was the loss of urine control and ET however these proved unfounded but even if they were there is help at hand to overcome or assist with these problems. Again talk about them don’t hide from them.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

I read up every leaflet that was given to me by the MacMillan nurse researched on the internet. I was in a good place and fit enough to have this treatment although the Consultant at the Hospital was trying to push me down the Surgery route but I insisted that I wanted to meet with a consultant at another hospital before I made a decision. So strongly recommend anyone to explore all you options you have a choice.

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