David's Story

White British
80 or older
Sexual Orientation
Greater London
Relationship status
Married/In a Civil Partnership

Focal Therapy

Tips and advice for any sexual side effects of treatment

Following treatment for prostate cancer, effective erectile remedies can be prescribed by your GP free on the NHS

How this treatment impacted my life the most

I have the opportunity to most probably enjoy a healthy life free of the risk of prostate cancer. I feel very lucky and have an enhanced view of just how to enjoy life.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

For those with an early diagnosis where prostate cancer is still contained in the gland HIFU is one treatment option that is less likely to result in adverse side effects. I was treated as a day patient and was able to return home that day. The treatment is given under a general anaesthetic as it requires complete immobility in order to precisely focus the high intensive ultrasound on the cancer. A probe that generates ultra sound is inserted in the rectum and a catheter is inserted to ensure that the urethra is not closed by the initial swelling of tissue in the prostate that results from the ablating of the cancerous tissue. The catheter remained attached to allow me to control urination for some two weeks before it’s removal . During this period I was prescribed antibiotics and analgesics whilst any swelling within the prostate was reduced. The catheter was removed in a hospital visit when I was given a flow test to ensure that I could return to passing urine free of the catheter. My treatment was carried out in Charing Cross Hospital. I have nothing but praise for the excellent treatment that I received. My cancer was diagnosed after taking biopsies following indicators on an MRI. One year after treatment I was given a further MRI. I was then given the opportunity to view both the MRI images, those taken before and after treatment. Fortunately this confirmed a complete eradication of the targeted prostate cancer. I have suffered no significant problems since having the treatment. 

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