John's Story

White British
Sexual Orientation
West Midlands
Relationship status
In a relationship


Tips and advice for any bladder or bowel side effects of treatment

If you’re told that you might suffer incontinence and you have the reverse - ie difficulty in passing urine, go back to your consultant quickly as it might be scar tissue blocking the urethra/bladder join which needs expanding. If you don’t it could lead to kidney problems.

Tips and advice for any sexual side effects of treatment

Owing to my age it didn’t really bother me too much. Don’t let it define your whole life.

How this treatment impacted my life the most

Physical effects were quite serious and also the required follow-up (rigid cystoscopy). But I did get over these and have returned to a pretty normal life (excluding sex) and am grateful for the recovery, and more years of life it gave me, which makes me appreciate life perhaps more than I did before.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

I trusted the consultant’s advice and things worked out generally as I was told they would. I opted for a more interventionist approach (surgery) than playing safe with a less radical procedure and am happy that I did all I could to confront the problem when it occurred. I won’t have regrets that I should have been braver.

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