Jonathan's Story

White British
Sexual Orientation
South West
Relationship status
Married/In a Civil Partnership

Radical Prostatectomy (Surgery)

Tips and advice for any sexual side effects of treatment

I look on this as, whilst obviously serious, it has to be a price worth paying - but that attitude depends so much upon the state of your sex life before the diagnosis. I am only a year from my operation so I have not given up all hope quite yet, but I am close. I just try and stay positive about other aspects of my life.

How this treatment impacted my life the most

No doubt the loss of sexual function because in all other respects (apart from very slight urinary incontinence at certain times of stress or tiredness) I feel as fit and healthy as I did before the operation.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

I now feel as close to cured of prostate cancer as it is possible to feel, because the operation seems to have been a total success. Any other treatment (or doing nothing) would probably have left me anxious as to the prognosis as I get older. I was lucky to be diagnosed when relatively fit and young, so feel the operation was a "no-brainer".

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