Mark's Story

White British
Manual work
Sexual Orientation
North West
Relationship status
In a relationship


How this treatment impacted my life the most

The hormone therapy has made it extremely hard to keep my weight down causing constant knee and back pain, my work (as a builder) has become impossible to undertake, the chemotherapy had a big effect for one week out of the 3 week cycle over the 6 courses I underwent, 5 days after each course I experienced severe pain in my spine that on one occasion hospitalised me, my second course caused a reaction so the process took 2 hours instead of the usual 1 hour, hair loss had an effect on my confidence and was a constant reminder that I was a cancer victim.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

Because I put my trust in my oncologist and if she told me the only option to survive as long as possible was to receive the same treatment I wouldn't hesitate.

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