Tips and advice for any sexual side effects of treatment
I also experienced Peyronie's disease post-operatively in 2008. The effects cleared up over the subsequent few years.
How this treatment impacted my life the most
Compomised urinary continence: This is normally under control but is adversely affected by minor infections and when tired from physical exertion. Inability to naturally get or maintain an erection. This has limited my ability engage in sexual activity with my (female) partner.
If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?
Not sure
Why did I give this answer?
I'd want to explore other treatment option (e.g. immunotherapy) before committing to surgery or radiotherapy.
Radical Prostatectomy (Surgery)
How this treatment impacted my life the most
Occasional problems with urinary continence - drips rather than major leaks. Adversely affected by alcohol, sexual arousal and tiredness, particularly from physical exertion. Generally well managed by regular pelvic floor exercises. Inability to achieve an erect penis has severly affected sexual activity. This has been somewhat improved by use of a vacuum pump and silcone ring to create and maintain an erection but the necessity to use mechanical intervention does detract from the experience. Unfortunately the surgury (laproscopic prostatectomy) was only partially successful and I had to undergo a subsequent round of radiotherapy to resolve the issue. I feel that the radiotherapy has had the most consequential side effects - radiation cystitis, inabilty to achieve an erect penis, one bout of haematuria, 10 years post treatment. Now, some 15 years after the treatment I am again experiencing rising PSA levels in my blood, which has led to concern that I may need further, currently unspecified treatment in due course.
If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?
Why did I give this answer?
The diagnosis was conclusive and from discussion with the Consultant I felt that treatment rather then monitoring was required and surgery was the appropriate treatment route to follow. Unfortunately the surgury (laproscopic prostatectomy) was only partially successful and I had to undergo a subsequent round of radiotherapy to resove the issue.