Paul's Story

White British
Sexual Orientation
South West
Relationship status
In a relationship

Radical Prostatectomy (Surgery)

Tips and advice for any bladder or bowel side effects of treatment

Leaking will continue for many years. It will happen suddenly without warning. It's not a major problem but good to be aware of. I wore pads at its worst.

Tips and advice for any sexual side effects of treatment

The loss of erection and penetrating sex has been at big loss. I hate what cancer has done to our intermacy. It is difficult for us both, but each day I miss it.

Tips and advice for any physical side effects of treatment

Examine yourself, look at yourself in the mirror. Tell your doctor or consultant of any changes.

Tips and advice for any mental and emotional side effects of treatment

All the above are common. Don't let people tell you it will be OK, because it won't!! You take each day and deal with it the best you can.

How this treatment impacted my life the most

It turns your life upside down. Given the same circumstances, personally I would reconsider the options.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

Cancer destroys part of your life and you are left to deal with it. Even close family, bless them, just don't get it. Yes I'm angry it's how I deal with it that matters. I lost so much, I would go through the pro less again.

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