Paul's Story

White British
Sexual Orientation
East Midlands
Relationship status
Married/In a Civil Partnership

Hormone Therapy (injections)

How this treatment impacted my life the most

Combination of Confirmal Radiotherapy and hormones made me impotent. Had rectal problems (Proctitis) due to the radiotherapy. Penis shrank, very low mood and very emotional.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

At time of diagnosis in 2006 Da Vinci robot was not around only in a few hospitals in London. Even though had private health insurance they would not pay for this as they classed it as not a conventional treatment then. Was told open prostectomy could end with both urine and bowel incontinence and impotence, as I had a prior TURP. I would now go down the route of Radical Prostectomy by DaVinci. My treatment has left me with rectal/ bowel problems, impotence and chronic prostatitis, hence impacted my quality of life and marriage. I would be very careful which surgeon I went to though and choose one with good outcomes.

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