Peter's Story

White British
Other (please specify)
Sexual Orientation
East Anglia
Relationship status
Married/In a Civil Partnership

Hormone Therapy (injections)

Tips and advice for any sexual side effects of treatment

Discuss it with your partner - don't stick your head in the sand about it. There are other ways to 'enjoy' each other if you view it as a temporary situation. Viagra or similar has marginal effect but worth a try; as is a pump' which exercises the penis and encourages blood flow. Most important thing is not to let it be an elephant in the room.

Tips and advice for any physical side effects of treatment

Eat as healthily as possible and do some exercise. Not much else you can do while on the meds.

Tips and advice for any mental and emotional side effects of treatment

The sense of poor body image is a combination of both the external physical effects such as body hair loss and excess weight etc. as well as the internalised knowledge that it's the big 'C', the impact on libido and so forth and the heightened sense of mortality and all that. Important to remain positive that the cancer is being addressed, the effects are hopefully only temporary and the alternatives to treatment are considerably worse than a short-term interruption.

How this treatment impacted my life the most

The effect on libido and sexual ability.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

It is not really optional if the disease is going to be eradicated. I am taking the view that when the medication is complete I will recover the lost abilities adequately, and my body will restore to some extent too. Even if not, I will at least survive to tell the tale.


How this treatment impacted my life the most

Managing the treatment procedure with regard to maintaining a full bladder long enough to undergo the therapy. The most difficult aspect was balancing the required volume of water with being able to 'hold' it long enough for the treatment.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

It was not painful or unpleasant in any way.

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