Pete's Story

White British
Manual work
Sexual Orientation
East Midlands
Relationship status
Married/In a Civil Partnership

Radical Prostatectomy (Surgery)

Tips and advice for any sexual side effects of treatment

I was told that there would be a good chance of nerve damage during surgery. I was offered various treatments for getting an election. I chose the vacuum pump. After trying on several occasions, After several attempts i couldn't keep the erection. After a long discussion with the wife, we have decided that sex isn't the be all and end all.

How this treatment impacted my life the most

I was conscious when going out of wee leakage. In certain circumstances, I wear a pad. Though this is mainly for my peace of mind. The loss of sex life was initially hard to deal with, but has got easier over time. Luckily I have an understanding wife, who would sooner go without sex, rather than the other option. If I have 1 bit of advice, it's do the pelvic floor exercises, well before your treatment starts.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

It's the only way of ensuring it doesn't return. And saves me having to put my wife and daughters through the agony of what ifs.

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