Simon's Story

White British
Other (please specify)
Sexual Orientation
West Midlands
Relationship status
Married/In a Civil Partnership


How this treatment impacted my life the most

To be honest I don’t really think my Radiotherapy affected me as much as I was expecting. It obviously caused me to be up and down to the toilet day and night, and due to Radiation induced cystitis it stung a little but was not painful, and when you went to urinate you generally had to sit down because of the effect of the Radiation and enemas on the bowel. But then sometimes sitting down you couldn’t urinate, so you would have to stand up and then be careful with the bowels! This all settled down within a month of finishing treatment. It was for 20 consecutive weekdays, with a 36 mile round trip, my wife supported me immensely and went with me everyday. Personally I think the experience went really well and much better than expected, I did take a very positive approach throughout my whole diagnosis and treatment, as did my wife, I believe this helped immensely.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

Because I did not find any of the treatments or biopsy as bad as one would imagine, and it has given me the chance to continue enjoying life with my family and friends.

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