Winston's Story

Watch Winston answer the following questions about himself and his treatment:

  1. Can you tell us your first name and briefly, tell us a little about yourself? 
  2. When were you diagnosed with prostate cancer and what was the diagnosis? 
  3. What stage was your cancer when you were diagnosed? 
  4. What treatment(s) did you have and when? 
  5. Did you have any side effects from this treatment?
  6. How did this treatment affect your life the most? 
  7. Do you have any tips or advice that may help other people who are living with the same side effects from this treatment? 
  8. Do you have any tips or advice that might help others who are thinking about having the same treatment as you? 
  9. If you could go back in time, would you choose to have the same treatment? 
Black Caribbean
Sexual Orientation
North West
Relationship status
In a relationship

High Dose Rate Brachytherapy

Tips and advice for any bladder or bowel side effects of treatment

Having a good diet- removal of sugar, and cutting down on meat helped personally.

Tips and advice for any sexual side effects of treatment

Need to take someone with you throughout the process, from the time of the diagnosis till the treatment and post-treatment/recovery as you don't know what you will be told to you. It's important that the doctors/clinicians understand your sexual appetite; this is not often asked, and can be left unsure of what different treatments e.g vacumn pump to use. Getting the sex drive back was essential in helping my holistic recovery. Having an understanding and helpful partner during this process was quite vital. Communication is key and discussing this with close family and relatives. Keeping things to yourself, especially as a man, maybe the comfort however it's important to discuss this. Counselling is important. I went to a sex therapist; you don't think about these things until you have to come upon them, though it was not always as helpful as it was with a woman and she did not always understand. This helped me mentally a lot.

Being part of a support group helped me, speaking to other patients going through the same experience. Knowing someone that's gone through it , sharing experiences means I was not ignorant and I was able to come out of the other end. Can Survive UK has allowed me to feel normal again

How this treatment impacted my life the most

Felt like less of a man and didn't have much to live for until I got to meet other people going through. Appetite for intimacy. Having the treatment itself, the cancer term and negative connotations regarding what cancer means, specifically prostate cancer. My mentality and mindset helped me navigate through this.

If I had to do it all over again, would I choose the same treatment?


Why did I give this answer?

The procedure done, brachytherapy 2 was an expensive procedure, and I understood that it would not be needed unless completely necessary. This is what swayed me to get done but I don't know if I would do the same treatments, I would look to do other treatments that were less invasive. I would not go through the same one and see what is out there that is good for me personally if there were more updated ones. Getting a second opinion would be helpful. It's important that research is done and not just taken the first opinion as the first opinion given to me was to have the surgery and later a second opinion showed that was not necessary which helped other negative experiences that could have happened.

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